Privacy Policy - Ask Tony Rocket Chat

Privacy Policy

Responsible body for the app in terms of data protection law is:

Caritasverband Arnsberg-Sundern e.V. Hellefelder Straße 27-29, 59821 Arnsberg Phone: 02931 8069, Fax: 02931806699 Email: Internet: Register of associations Arnsberg district court, register no. VR329 Representative The Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern e.V. is legally represented by the Management: Christian Stockmann (Chairman) Marek Konietzny (Commercial Management)

Data protection officer and right to information:

According to § 17 of the law on church data protection (KDG), you have the right to free information about the she relevant processed personal data. If you have any questions about data protection or suspected violations of the You can contact the data protection officer of the Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern about data protection law turn around: Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern e.V. Data Protection Department Hellefelder Strasse 27-29, 59821 Arnsberg Phone: 02931 8069, Fax: 02931 806699 59821 Arnsberg Email:

How the app works

With this app you have the opportunity to find out about the offers of Caritas Arnsberg-Sundern and the Dean's Office To inform Hochsauerland-West, as well as to use the platform in the form of a help exchange.

Data collection when downloading and installing the app

To download and install our app from an app store (e.g. Google Play, Apple App Store). you must first register for a user account with the provider of the respective app store and With conclude a corresponding contract of use. We have no influence on this, in particular we are we not a party to any such contract of use. When downloading and installing the app, the transfer the necessary information to the respective app store, in particular your user name, your E-mail address and the customer number of your account, the time of the download, payment information and the individual Device ID. We have no influence on this data collection and are not responsible for it. we only process the data provided to the extent necessary for downloading and installing the app your mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet) is necessary. The data processing takes place on basis the legitimate interest in an efficient and secure provision of the online offers according to § 6 Paragraph 1 letter g. KDG. Beyond that, this data will no longer be stored.

General log files when using the app

Each time the app is used, data required to provide the offer is processed. This are: - Your device identifier (e.g. "Apple iPhone 8") - Operating system and version - App and API version - Set system language This data is used to ensure network and information security. The legal basis is § 6 paragraph 1 letter g KDG (EG 49). After the end of the usage process, these Discarded information on device. A further analysis or storage of technical data takes place Not. We also do not collect or store any analysis data on usage behavior. The data processing takes place on Basis of the legitimate interest in a stable and secure provision of the online offers according to § 6 paragraph 1 lita g KDG.

Entering personal data in the app

With this app, users are given the opportunity to send a message stating personal to send data. The Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern processes the data within the framework of the legal provisions. Personal data is all data with which you can be personally identified, see § 4 KDG. In order to You can successfully send a defect report, the following personal information is mandatory necessary: - E-mail address - Notification of defects in text form The following information is voluntary: - First name - Surname -Address with house number - ZIP / City - phone number - Photos - Current location in the form of GPS data - Additional Location description In order to be able to send the message, the option "I have the Data protection read and accepted" must be activated. If this confirmation is not given, the sending is not possible possible.
The App users also have the option to indicate that they have sent a copy of the defect report to their specified would like to receive an email address.

Usage data

When the app is started, content is loaded from our web server via the Internet. This is e.g. required to call up the categories and display them in the app. The same applies to calling up the imprint and the Privacy policy from the app; this data is also stored on our web server and is transmitted via the retrieved from the Internet. At this point, data processing is comparable to calling up a website. if the app retrieves content from our web server, usage data is temporarily stored on our web server in so-called Server log files are saved as a log for statistical purposes in order to improve the quality of our app. This record consists of - the name of the retrieved file, - the date and time of the query, - the amount of data transferred, - the access status (file transferred, file not found), - the description of the type of web browser used, - the IP address of the requesting mobile device. We use this information to To enable retrieval of the content, to control and administer our systems and to improve them ours apartment The stored data is stored anonymously. The creation of personal user profiles is thus excluded. Data about people or their individual behavior is not collected here.

Data acquisition/data processing

Your data is collected by entering the data into the app and sending the report. The data the Reports are prepared via a mail server for mail dispatch and then sent by e-mail to the Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern forwarded. If it is necessary for the further processing of the request is, the reports may also be earmarked, e.g. to association-owned facilities and services or holdings (Caritas-Altenhilfe Arnsberg-Sundern gGmbH, Caritas-Behindertenhilfe Arnsberg-Sundern gGmbH, Caritas Integra non-profit society mbH) can be forwarded. The legal basis for processing is Section 6 Paragraph 1 lit. g KDG. Note: When communicating by e-mail, however, complete data security cannot be guaranteed will. An alternative transmission is recommended for confidential information. Display of remote data?When calling the Functions 'Imprint' and 'Privacy Policy' from the app, this data is loaded from a server and stored in displayed in a web browser in the app. What is your data used for? Your data is collected so that your request can be processed as soon as possible. This may include clarifying the defects or, if necessary, asking questions contacting you is also important. Therefore, your personal contact details are mandatory. If If you would like to receive an answer/feedback to the report, you can state this in the report. The data will will not be processed for commercial or analytical purposes and will not be passed on to third parties. When will your data be deleted?Your report will be stored on a mail server for the smooth dispatch of the report saved. For logging purposes, the data will be retained for a maximum period of 7 days and then irrevocably turned off. Submitted photos will be removed from potential customers before they are sent to the Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern Metadata (location and time of recording) cleaned up. At the Arnsberg-Sundern Caritas Association, the survey is carried out Processing, use and storage of your data only for the specified purpose within the framework of the legal provisions. You have the following rights for premature deletion of the data.

Your rights as a user

You have the rights listed below with regard to the responsible body the personal data concerning you. There may be legal exceptions to these rights. Right to information (§ 17 KDG) With the right to information, the data subject receives comprehensive insight into the data that concern him Data and some other important criteria such as the processing purposes or the duration of the Storage. Right to correction (§ 18 KDG) The right to rectification includes the possibility for the data subjects to have incorrect personal data relating to them corrected. Right to erasure (§ 19 KDG) The right to deletion includes the possibility for the person concerned to delete data from the person responsible to let. However, this is only possible if the personal data concerning him are no longer necessary, are processed unlawfully or consent to this has been revoked. Right to restriction of processing (§ 20 KDG) The right to restriction of processing includes the possibility for the data subject to prevent further processing of the personal data concerning him for the time being. A limitation kicks especially in the examination phase of other rights exercised by the data subject. Right to data portability (§ 22 KDG) The right to data portability includes the possibility for the data subject that concerns him to receive personal data in a common, machine-readable format from the person responsible for them to have it forwarded to another person responsible if necessary. Right to object (§ 23 KDG) The right on Objection includes the possibility for data subjects, in a special situation, of further processing of their to object to personal data, insofar as this is caused by the performance of public tasks or public as well as private interests. Right to withdraw consent Insofar as the processing of personal data is based on your consent (Article 6 paragraph 1 lit a General Data Protection Regulation) takes place, you can revoke this at any time for the corresponding purpose. The lawfulness of the processing based on your consent remains unaffected until receipt of your revocation. Right of appeal to the supervisory authority You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the state commissioner for data protection and Freedom of information North Rhine-Westphalia, to.

Requested permissions / access rights of the app

Some features require the app to access certain services and data on your mobile device. je depending on which mobile operating system you use, this partly requires your express access release. In the following we will explain to you which of the two operating systems iOS or Android Permissions the app may request and for what type of functions these permissions necessary are. Entry of personal data of the defect report The transmission of the data entered by the user personal data takes place so that the recipient of the message can contact the user/customer can. Smartphone camera/gallery Access to the camera is required because the app user is the Defect report can attach up to three photos. These photos can either be from the ones in the respective gallery of the Smartphones existing photos can be selected or taken directly with the camera. The photos will when sending as an attachment to the created and transmitted e-mail. Location If you answer the question "May the app access your location when you use the app?” answer with “Allow”, allow the app to Access to your mobile device's location services. Your device's location services use information from the Cellular, WiFi, GPS networks and/or iBeacons to determine your approximate location. Eligibility for the Access to your device's location services is required so that the app user of the defect report can respective location of the defect in the form of GPS coordinates. The current damage position can also be selected and saved using a map in the app. This gives the recipient the concrete Damage location communicated and can be removedg of the damage in the right place without worrying about the App users must describe the damage site separately and in detail. When you access the site do not allow, this function is not available in the app and you can only determine the location of the damage by general input into a text field. internet connection For the use of the app, the display of 'Imprint' and 'Privacy Policy' and the transmission of the defect report by e-mail is a permanent one Internet connection required. Otherwise the app cannot be used correctly, since e.g. the imprint and the Privacy policy not displayed, categories not retrieved from server and notifications not sent be able. Storage of the transmitted messages in a chronicle in the app The data entered by the app user are saved with the sending in a chronicle in the user's app, so that the user can sent can understand defect reports. The data in the chronicle of the app can be deleted by the user at any time will. This data is stored directly on the smartphone and cannot be read or accessed from the outside will.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Caritas Association Arnsberg-Sundern reserves the right to amend this data protection declaration at any time attention to change the applicable data protection regulations and other legal regulations.